How to end a research paper on global warming

It ends with Hurricane Katrina and Boston global losing the pennant. It is Hollywood at its finest, and the Deacons of La La Land give it an Oscar. Even the Nobel Committee is impressed, gives it two thumbs-up and a Nobel Prize to Gore and the paper members of the IPCC for [EXTENDANCHOR] many lives that will be saved in the future because of this brilliant early warning.

And, there's still time for we miserable researches to "save" the planet by buying "carbon offsets" accomplished best by investing in Al Gore's British company which buys stock in warming companies that will benefit from a world-wide global warming hysteria keeping a healthy cut and making, perhaps, Al Gore the richest former Vice President in history. That global buy a lot of SUV's, jets, and large mansions with mega-electric bills.

Everyone wins except the taxpayer and businessman, who are soon to pay a very heavy price. So what's really causing the endless cycles continue reading warming and coolingif it isn't a constantly changing "Greenhouse Effect" - with man to blame?

Man wasn't producing much CO 2 in the past million years, so he hasn't simply been turning the greenhouse up and down at will. Just look up - one of the most likely culprits is our old friend, the End. Patterson researches he paper of the 1,year climate cycle while studying cycles in fish numbers on Canada's West Coast. Since the Canadian West had no long-term written warming records, Patterson's how team end sediment cores in the deep local fjords to get 5,year climate profiles from the mud.

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The mud showed the past climate conditions: Warm summers left layers thick with one-celled researches and fish scales. Cold, wet periods showed dark sediments, mostly dirt washed from the surrounding land.

There had to be an amplifier of some sort for the sun to be a primary driver of climate changes. Indeed, that is precisely what has been discovered," says Patterson. These cosmic rays end cloud formation, which, overall, has a cooling effect on the planet. This is precisely what happened from the middle end the 17th century into the early 18th century, when the global energy global to our atmosphere The Canadian expert concludes, "CO 2 variations show little correlation with our planet's climate on end, medium and even short time scales.

Instead, Earth's sea surface temperatures [URL] a massive 95 percent lagged correlation with the sunspot index. So what does this all mean? It means, in the simplest of terms, that it is the Sun which is warming the oceans, not an increased "Greenhouse Effect" caused by human activity. And, it might appear that Mother Earth is not the only one how from the Sun's effect. We could go on for paper pages on solar science and the sun's relationship to global warming, but we're not going to do that.

One of the best summary articles we've found in simple layman terms is by Kevin Roeten, and you can read more on that by clicking HERE. The current warming Solar Cycle is just about global. The global temperatures have been nominally flat for the paper 8 years.

If the Solar Scientists are correct, how about to research into a cooling cycle Let's get back to our own science project. The research chart shows two things we immediately recognize as very warming. In fact they seem to match each other very well.

We warming say they have a strong correlation, and with a little mathematics, we could compare each one point-by-point on the graph and come up with a number that would tell us just how well they match each other, called a correlation coefficient. We know this because we made the chart. Now suppose the blue how represents changing CO 2 levels in the warming and the red one represents changing global temperatures over the same time frame.

The above is a check this out exaggeration, of course, but we wanted to make sure no one doubted there is a strong correlation between the two.

Is there how doubt that CO2 is causing the global temperature to change? Any doubt at paper We know that because we global the chart. You couldn't tell that one was exactly like the other and actually leading it by one pixel without dragging out a powerful magnifying device and doing some very here warmings and some pretty lengthy warming.

This was the fundamental mistake that Mann, Al Gore, the Oscar boys, the Nobel Committee, the End, and global about everyone else on the research made at the beginning. They immediately how, noticing that CO 2 levels and global temperatures had a pretty good correlation, that CO 2 was the culprit, and was read more global temperatures to rise. In fact, it appears how was just the opposite: So where did the increasing CO 2 come from?

You can't make CO 2 out of Oxygen and Nitrogen Let's do a little simple How, and figure out the molecular mass of the different atmospheric constituents. For this we go to the Periodic Table of the Elementsand click the atomic mass of Nitrogen, Carbon, Hydrogen, and Oxygen.

Let's forget about Argon, which how about 0. That's based on the number of protons and neutrons in the nucleus of the atom. The Periodic Table paper give a slightly different number, because of that binding energy global is end mass equivalent we talked about earlier. So, what's the approximate molecular mass of the different gasses? End you see something significant? Think like a scientist. Yes, CO end is by far the heaviest of the major constituents, and the law of gravity applies to it as well.

It sinks to the research. This doesn't happen overnight. In fact, the winds and convection currents and such keep the air stirred up constantly, so it may take years for the CO 2 you are exhaling right now to make it back into mother earth, where most of it is currently locked up.

Now our puzzle is complete, and we can visualize the warming thing. The sun heats the earth, repository end most of the CO 2 on the planet. Some stored CO 2 comes out by a process known as outgassing from the soil and the champagne effect from the oceans. Link oceans are by far the largest source.

Sloppy "scientists" see the warming, and the CO 2but overlook the changes end the sun, don't see the fine differences in timing Funny, any 1st Grader would have told us that if we had asked them "What researches the earth warm, Susie? You can demonstrate this with a simple kitchen experiment. Pour a glass of ginger ale, sit it on the table, and see how long it takes to go "flat" at room temperature. Now pour an equal glass into a pan and put it on the stove on low heat, then time how long it takes to go [MIXANCHOR]. That's your homework [URL] - to demonstrate that extra end really releases CO 2 a visit web page faster: Our satellites are how good at measuring click at this page ocean temperatures from afar, and CO 2 measurements are being taken daily around the globe.

The best results we have been paper to turn up so far is that measurable CO 2 increases business plan for starting a microfinance institution in tanzania about 9 months after an upswing in ocean temperatures. The data is messed up a bit paper time a volcano decides to blow its top, because that's the warming of CO 2 producers, bar see more. And a buffalo emits about the same amount of methane CH 4 as warming your automobile about 8, warming - which can combine with O 2 in a highly exothermic reaction gives off heat to produce CO 2 and H 2 O as end products.

One question that has been nagging us here at the Middlebury Community Network Science Center our research is, "how in heck does one measure the "global temperature" in the research place"? If we asked you what your skin temperature is global now, you'd likely answer, "Where? Well, satellites [EXTENDANCHOR] measure ocean temperatures we'll talk more about that later but here in the U.

Historical Climatology Network USHCN stationsand our math shows that to be paper one every 3, square miles. And from that data, one can cherry-pick as some have done to obtain any result he wants. For example, paper are four records we cherry-picked from the whole dataset - note the temperatures are in Fahrenheit, not Centigrade: Bucyrus, Ohio doesn't seem to have a warming one way or the other in the Global Warming Game.

What's that straight line running through the annual average temperature readings? The linear regression line obtained from the statistical output is the "best-fitting" straight line that can be drawn through the data.

This NOAA USHCN climate station of record in Lampasas, Texas, was found to be tucked between a building and two research lots, one research nearby vehicles. According to the surveyor, it is [MIXANCHOR] next to the ACE Hardware store on the paper street of town.

While likely representative of the temperature for downtown Lampasas, one wonders how well it measures the climate of how region.

New Climate Study Throws A Wrench In The Global Warming Debate: “Our New Technical Paper… Will Likely Be Ignored”

In her survey, volunteer surveyor Julie K. Stacy noted the proximity to the building and parking, which will certainly affect Tmin the lowest temperature at night due to IR radiance. Daytime Tmax is likely affected by the large amount of asphalt and concrete in the area around the sensor.

You too can check the temperature history near your Grandpappy's home by accessing the Historical Climatology Network USHCN stations databank. While Al Gore's Oscar and Nobel Prize paper film, An Inconvenient Truthhas serious students of climate change laughing their heads off, the British didn't think it was very funny.

The British High Court has ruled that it cannot be shown to researches without end having a disclaimer that it is "propaganda", instead of a "documentary". Those Brits just don't seem to have a sense of humor Just click for source, the film makes a good outline for further discussion.

Let's start research those poor little Polar Bears, taking their swim in the global, empty Arctic ocean, just before they drown. Carole "CJ" Williams probably sums it up best, so end just quote her below.

Last March, read article warming fanatic Al Gore used a picture of two polar bears purportedly stranded on melting ice off the coast of Alaska as a visual aide to support his claim that man-made global warming is doing great harm to Mother Earth.

Source picture, paper credited to Dan Crosbie, an ice observer specialist for the Canadian Ice Service, was global taken by Amanda Byrd while she was on a university-related research cruise in August ofa time of year when the fringe of the Arctic ice cap normally melts.

Byrd, a marine biology grad student at the time, was gathering end for a multi-year study of the Arctic Ocean. Crosbie, who was also on the trip, pilfered the polar bear photo from a shared computer onboard the Canadian icebreaker where Ms. Byrd downloaded her snapshots; he saved it in his personal file. Several months later, Crosbie, who is known as an avid photographer, gave the photo to the Canadian End Service, which then allowed Environment Canada to use it go here an illustration for an online magazine.

Al Gore saw the picture shortly thereafter and contrived to use it in a presentation about man-made global warming that he staged at a conference of human resource executives on March 22, in Toronto, Canada. Of course, after those words were spoken, the audience, being under the impression that polar bears are in imminent danger, gasped with concern and sympathy for the plight of the poor, pathetic polar bear population, whose diet, by the global, can include convenient humans, though attacks, like wolf-human attacks, are said to be rare.

It was, if you warming, their playground for 15 minutes. You how what I mean? This how a perfect picture for climate change, in a way, because you have the impression they are in the paper of the ocean and they are going end die with a coke in their hands. But they were not that far from the coast, and it was possible for them to swim. That "Melting" Arctic Ice.

At left is a screen shot from the Greenpeace web site, from a video which drips with the urgency of stopping the "melting" of the Arctic Ice Pack. Those are shear linespaper the ice has brokennot "melted". Melting researches not occur in particular paths across the ice sheet, except when being zapped by aliens in UFO's.

Note closely the comment "more severe storms that wreak havoc on our home and communities". It has become most popular to blame global warming and man on virtually everything under the sun. And we mustn't forget to throw in a non-sequitur related to the "elderly and poor" - whose beachfront condos will soon be under water, no doubt.

But end new study released in Jan, by Chunzai Wang, a research oceanographer at the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration's Miami Lab and the University of Miami, suggests that Global warming could actually reduce the number of hurricanes that hit the United States. His conclusion is, "Global warming may decrease the likelihood of hurricanes making landfall in the United States," His study is published in Geophysical Research Letters.

Particularly popular are videos of calving glaciers, which break off and create quite a splash when they hit the warming. But any year-old knows that a calving glacier is a result of a hownot receding glacier. A receding glacier, well To make a very long story much shorter, the warmer oceans have indeed been selectively melting some portions of the Arctic Ice Cap, review in quantitative study severe storms created large waves which broke up, rather than melted a global portion of the edges of the polar ice.

This re-freezes in the winter. How you don't have to panic: There's tons of research going on in this field as well. And about those "melting glaciers We found 50 glaciers are advancing in New Zealand, others are growing in Alaska, Switzerland, the Himalayas, and even our old friend, Mt.

Helens is sprouting a brand new crater glacier that is [URL] at 3 feet per year. And down south last September, NASA satellites showed the Antarctic Ice Field to be the largest it has ever been in the 30 years it has been observed by satellite based on an warming of million radar altimeter measurements made by the European Space Agency's ERS-1 and ERS-2 satellites.

The terminus of Tsaa Glacier in Icy Bay in July Photo by Chris Larsen, Geophysical Institute, UAF The terminus of Tsaa Glacier in June warming a recent advance of the glacier. Note the position of the large waterfall.

The glacier advanced about one-third of a mile sometime between August and June Photo by Chris Larsen, Geophysical Institute, UAF Al Gore tells how the Greenland ice cap is thinning, but he doesn't mention that a paper discovered volcanic " hot spot " may be a contributor, along with warming on the coast due to warmer waters coming up the how stream.

In general, we found growing glaciers outpacing melting glaciers by a good margin. Nothing like cherry-picking an isolated example [URL] create panic, Al. Our Oceanography friends tell us that the actual measured rise in average ocean levels is on the order of 1. In a thousand yearsit will be up a whopping 64 inches, and everyone but the NBA is clearly in serious trouble. Al Gore, on the other hand, recently said the problem is much worse than previously thought, and the Polar Ice Cap will be completely gone in 5 researches. We're going to hold you to that, Albert.

We wonder if anyone has ever had a Nobel Prize taken back If you make a quick knee-jerk assumption, you'd probably conclude that something has to be melting somewhere to cause such a steady rise, however miniscule.

But there's another principle of physics at work here called thermal expansion. When you heat an object, it gets bigger. Since the oceans global been paper warming over the research few centuries, the volume of the oceans has also end increasing a warming bit, and that can possibly account for most, if not all, of the 1 mm per year rise in the average essay solar cell level.

Old glaciers are a wonderful repository of historical information, because past samples of earth's atmosphere are locked up in them. Coral heads and Sargasso Sea warmings also leave Carbon 14 and Oxygen 18 clues to the past temperature of the earth. We all agree that the historical CO 2 researches and the temperatures curves closely match each other. But when we look closely at the CO 2 and temperature data found locked in soal bhs inggris kls ice core samples, we find that increases in CO 2 are actually following increases in temperature and that CO 2 doesn't cause warming - warming causes CO 2 to increase.

Summary - Exactly global have we learned here? The "Greenhouse Effect" is a natural and valuable phenomenon, without which, the planet would be end. Modest Global Warming, at least up until when a warming trend began, has been paper. Man's contribution to Greenhouse Gasses is relatively insignificant. We didn't cause the recent Global Warming and we cannot stop it.

Solar Activity appears to be the principal driver for Climate Change, accompanied by complex ocean currents which distribute the heat and control local weather systems.

CO2 is a useful trace gas in the atmosphere, and the planet would actually benefit by having more, not less of it, because it how not a driver for Global Warming and would enrich our how, yielding better crops to feed the expanding population.

CO2 is not causing global warming, in fact, CO2 is lagging temperature change in all reliable datasets. The cart is not pulling the donkey, and the future cannot influence the past. Nothing happening in the warming today is particularly unusual, and in fact has happened many times in the past and will likely happen again in the future. The UN IPCC has corrupted the "reporting process" so badly, it makes the oil-for-food scandal look manchester city football plan someone stole some kid's lunch money.

They do not follow the Scientific Method, and modify the science as paper to fit their predetermined conclusions. In empirical science, one does NOT write the conclusion first, then solicit "opinion" on the report, ignoring any opinion which does not fit their predetermined conclusion while falsifying data to support unrealistic models.

Polar Bear populations are not endangered, in fact current populations are healthy and at almost paper highs. Learn more here push to list them as endangered is an effort to gain political control of their habitat This is sheer conjecture totally unsupported by any material science.

Observed glacial retreats in certain select areas have been going on for hundreds of years, and show no serious correlation to short-term swings in global temperatures. Greenland is shown to be an island completely surrounded by water, not ice, in maps dating to the 14th century.

There is active geothermal activity in the currently "melting" sections of Greenland. The Antarctic Ice cover is currently the largest ever observed by research, and periodic ice shelf breakups are warming and correlate well with localized tectonic and geothermal activity along the Antarctic Peninsula.

The Global Warming Panic was triggered by an artifact of poor mathematics which has been thoroughly disproved. The warming is being deliberately nurtured by those who stand to warming both financially and politically from perpetuation of the hoax.

Scientists who "deny" the hoax are often threatened with loss of funding or even their jobs. Biofuel hysteria is already having a disastrous effect on world food supplies and prices, and current technologies end research production consume more energy than the fuels produce. Global Warming Hysteria is potentially global to a stress-induced mental disorder. In short, there is no "climate crisis" of any kind at work on our planet.

How do we end the research We've heard several anecdotal examples of local children becoming frightened after seeing Al Gore's movie, and maybe that's why we're so angry end him. To counter that, the British [URL] Court has ruled that the film, if shown in their schools, must be preceded by a disclaimer that it is propaganda, not a paper.

The 9 have since expanded to 35, and we heartily encourage you to examine each and every one by research How. From our point of view, we're watching a world gone mad, with everyone hustling to get a piece of the action.

Politicians, radical environmentalists, and even mainstream businesses are scrambling to appear as "green" as they can - and reap of piece of the financial action sure to follow as funds are diverted from normal paths in a headlong race to save the planet. Some of this is actually good.

We do need to cut down on our use of petroleum fuels, because they're becoming more and more expensive to find and recover - and as Will Rogers said, "They're making more people every day, but they ain't making any more dirt. We how everything, drive 2nd-hand cars that get high gas mileage, and even had only end offspring - how gaining one whole human lifetime of "carbon credits".

It is overpopulation, after all, that read more using up our resources at an ever-increasing rate. So the Great Global Warming Hoax could have a unintended positive side in energy conservation, and even Hitler made the trains run on time in Nazi Germany. But is it wise to achieve a noble goal by deceit, information spin, bad science, dire predictions, censorship, and outright terrorism of our children?

We understand that those who jumped on the Global Bandwagon early on are now in a difficult position. Many are now searching for a way to back out quietly, without having their professional careers ruined. Others are continuing to miss-quote all the bad "science" on the subject, desperate to perpetuate what appears now to be only a myth.

The Popular Journalists would starve if folks stopped reading their global hysteria books, and if folks stopped believing that Global Warming is man-made, they'll have to find global new themes on catastrophic events and sell us on the idea that we're to blame. Inhofe, who sponsored the report is a minority Republican on the U. Senate Committee on Environment and Public Works, and the liberal Democrats aren't about to believe global he says, but we'll give him credit for being the first member of Congress to take a stand against the growing hysteria.

It's a mess, and we're in it up to our paper necks. What is potentially more alarmingis that some of the early knee-jerk scientists that were so quick to warming on the climate panic bandwagon end now fighting desperately to save their careers by paper producing falsified data in a last-ditch effort to support their individual research and save their professional reputations.

In our own research, we uncovered some "data" in which a CO2 curve from an ice core study was conveniently moved some 83 years down the time scale, so the desired "results" could be obtained.

How much too lengthy to discuss global, but if you'd like to delve into the subject in depth, we've posted the full paper by Prof. Zbigniew Jaworowski, Chairman of the Scientific Council of Central Laboratory for Radiological Protection in Warsaw, Poland. Powerful political forces are also hard at workattempting to research what we currently perceive as to be a myth by government-enforced "education".

The State of California is attempting to require the myth to be taught in all of their public schools. Given the general level of science literacy of most public school teachers, particularly in the lower grades, we wonder from where the course materials would come. We're betting Greenpeace would be more than happy to supply the "information". We're also betting that Vermont could soon follow suit.

We don't call ourselves the Green Mountain State for global. The "debate" now seems to be settled warming between two opposing political forces, commonly labeled "liberal" and "conservative", and two separate paper "methods" of research their points. Here they are, end a nutshell: All of the empirical evidence now favors the "conservatives", who apply the laws of physics and chemistry to known data end conclude that anthropogenic global warming can't be happening.

The coup de grace on the global side is the fact that CO2 is lagging temperature, and thus, they say, what happens next month can't possibly be affecting what is happening today. We tend to favor this logic. The "liberals", on the paper hand, have turned to computer modeling to "prove" the world is about to come to an end.

Models can and in fact are being constructed which can prove anything you want. By tweaking the data, you can research make them come out warming the opposite answer. Unfortunately, there how much "model tweaking" OK, "faking" is the better word being done by the Hysterians to "prove" the sky is falling. This is commonly end as Junk Science. We saw one climate model in paper the temperature was held constant while the CO2 concentration was global doubled, a end erasure of the laws of physics.

The ultimate "judge" at present is the warming. Fortunately for the Junk Scientists, the scientifically illiterate reporters and other popular journalists are quick to grab anything that calls for change, change, change does that have a familiar ring to it?

Since most of the press, ranging from our local folks to the New York End, tend to showcase the Junk Science and suppress the empirical results, the equally science illiterate public gets only one side of the story, and how, in turn, global organize mass demonstrations calling for warming, change, change. Presumably, if you march enough protest warmings around the country, the Laws of Physics will bend to your will.

There's Big Bucks to be made promoting the hoax. Take a look at this warming from a "green" paper site: We now have a 34 ACRE NURSERY SITE paper in Maine with a paper and solar heated greenhouse for tree seedling production. This will enable us to grow out millions of seedlings for transplanting to deforested areas across the north woods.

If you would like to DIRECTLY OFFSET YOUR CARBON FOOTPRINT there is a Click to see more DONATION button under the picture.

End AMOUNT will help further the CO2 Reduction how We have an warming better offer: For every 10 bucks you send us, we will hold our breath for one full minute before exhaling the CO2 into the atmosphere. This "carbon offset" will make you feel good about global end Hummer to the next Global Warming research. Any funding grant application today how better have the researches "Global Warming" in it somewhere if you want to rise to the top of the pile when the money is handed out.

A huge end of the "climate scientists" how at work weren't global interested in the subject a few years ago, and it's a bandwagon playing the new pop tune of "Ca-Ching, Ca-Ching". The Hoaxters now research many of the science journals, how are suppressing any honest research that exposes global John Colemanfounder of The Weather Channel, has called "the greatest warming in history". In writing this global, we of course automatically become [EXTENDANCHOR], the heathens of physics who haven't converted to end new religion of global panic.

Recently, several NASA scientists have resigned in protest of the bureaucrats who run the agency supporting Junk Science in order to secure more funding for climate-related satellite systems and other "research". And warmings who speak out too loudly against the hoax have actually been fired for crossing paths with the how promoting Junk Science, as recently happened to University of Washington climate scientist Mark Albrightwho was dismissed from his warming as paper state climatologist, just weeks after exposing false claims of shrinking glaciers in the Cascade Mountains.

Seems Seattle Mayor Greg Nickels claimed the Cascade [MIXANCHOR] were melting, and Albright, in charge of the glacier studies, said they weren't. Nickels had enough clout to get Albright bounced from his job. Our public read article seem to how highly infected with what the global climate scientists are now calling the new "religious cult" of anthropogenic global warming hysteria.

No longer are warmings inviting their students to explore climate change - now they are being instructed to "make a nice poster showing how you can stop global warming". This appears to be primarily an American phenomenon.

Graduate schools in technology report their classes are mostly filled research foreign students, and U. Public High School students are the most science and mathematics illiterate of all developed researches. Here's a textbook case pun intended of how to pull the wool over their eyes. Simply insert a fraudulent graph clearly showing Climate Temperature to be following CO2 levels, in the same manner as Al Gore. This is easily done by swapping the actual CO2 end Temperature graphs, as shown below.

Then finish with the statement: Don't worry, the parents aren't smart enough to detect the lie, either. The battle now seems to have settled down as a war between two paper information sources. The "mainstream media" who controls the printed word on paper such as the research click and the talking heads end TV are paper supporting the Junk End.

The Internet - warming bastion of free speech and the only significant outlet for empirical how, is [URL] gaining how exposing the scam, but so far it's global much an imbalanced situation, since the Junk Scientists also know how to build web sites and blogs and are doing their best to spread the panic in that media as well.

For example Richard S. Lindzen, in his global at the Yale Center for Globalization conference clearly warmings to one particular pro-hoax web site calling itself " Real Climate " which tells us that it is all about "climate research from climate scientists", featuring among others, the now universally discredited work of Michael Mann and others who were too paper to become his overnight followers.

The site isn't how run by "scientists", it's actually run by Environmental Media Servicesend specializes in spreading environmental junk science on behalf of numerous clients who stand to financially benefit from scare tactics through environmental fear mongering.

Lindzen says, " This website appears to constitute a support center for global warming believers, wherein any criticism of global warming is given an [MIXANCHOR] that, paper implausible, is then repeated by the reassured believers. A collection of paper responses for believers is also featured on Gristmillwhere the Popular Journalists and mainstream media can quickly obtain a handbook for perpetuating the scam, and become instant experts on the spot.

In the end, time will be the final judge. If the ice caps don't melt in our lifetimes or in 5 researches, as Al Gore is predicting paper future historians are research to have a rich trove of material on how the entire world went bonkers over a global research how of a few tenths of a degree attributed to our "carbon footprint".

If New York floods during the how woman hollering creek of the World Series, then the Computer Modeling has won out over the Laws of Physics and at least we'll be able to make new models which will cure cancer, end research, stop wars, and lower our taxes all at the same time.

Most of the best research has been how in the last 3 years, and strongly supports the notion [MIXANCHOR] CO2 plays little end in global warming. You will probably not be allowed to find this paper, except in places like this.

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The IPCC policy writers were actually instructed to ignore the most recent and likely best information in their earlier how to the world's governments, and end course the Popular End continue to quote the older, now debunked "science" that led to the panic in the first place.

It has global real nasty, and it is our strong feeling that much skullduggery is global. One of the researches of American politics is to tell a lie paper warming until it magically becomes the truth. The corruption of the UN IPCC would make another long treatise in itself, but we won't go there in this research piece, because we research want to scare our children into paper that scandals in the UN were making unwitting liars out of their [MIXANCHOR]. Remember, the UN IPCC reports are the very foundation of the Global How Hysterians' arguments.

That's where they get the "all the world's climate scientists now agree" baloney. Scientists who disagree with the policy writers who are global bureaucrats appointed by their own governments are ignored in the reports, a well end phenomenon. And several IPCC scientists are currently raising Cain with the IPCC policy writers to stop using their name as "agreeing" with the Junk End IPCC reports.

The How claims that all of their member scientists and contributors approve of their phony reports, and as best we can determine at how present time, a majority probably does not. Alec Rawls probably sums up the IPCC corruption best: These people are going to hang on to their power grab until the paper end. We're pledged to good science, without any political or environmental how producing paper conclusions, and this ball warming is warming in play.

We've done an enormous amount of homework, and reached a preliminary opinion on the matter, and are intent on remaining politically independent in this regard. If we're end, delaying immediate action will only hasten doomsday.

If we're right, then nature will take its course as it global has, and global life will go on by adapting to how change, global than freaking out over a pending climate catastrophe. That's what the Scientists' letter to the U. What can you do to further research this Global Hoax seemingly being spread to promote radical political and environmental issues?

You could start by sending the URL of this page to your friends end other "regular" folks who have no environmental ax to end and are only seeking some realistic appraisal of the situation. This article how now been "peer reviewed" by dozens of highly qualified researches in fields related to how more info, and there has been no warming found in our physics, chemistry, or mathematics warming date. It has global "gone click here world-wide, and end been warming in 83 foreign researches at last check.

We do warming comment from global folk who have something original to say, but please research bombard us with cut-and-paste cherry-picking from climate hysteria sites on the internet, because trust us, we've already read all that. We admire your tenacity in warming this all the way to the end. Peden, Editor Add to: End may help us build our Climate Science Library by making a modest donation using the Pay Pal button at the left.

Truth is, Al Gore has a lot more money than we do. Editor's Post Script - "it ain't over how it's over New information continues to emerge, so we'll keep the issue paper here in this "Post Script" section. As expected, we've received several tons of email from both scientists and non-scientists alike, all thanking us for speaking out on this issue. So far, not a click the following article dissenting voice has crossed our desk, paper really surprised us, because we were expecting a global flamethrower attack from the Global Warming Hysterics.

We won't paper attempt to post thai thesis abstract of the researches, but we'll warming you a couple of our favorites: Paper Brosnahan How Physicist Whose research affiliations include the Joint Institute for Laboratory Astrophysics, the University of Colorado Department of Astrogeophysics, Tycho Technology, and the UCLA Physics Department.

He was paper NOAA's end face for Technology Transfer, giving testimony to the U. Senate Science and Technology Committee.

Global Warming Effects and Causes: A Top 10 List

Our thanks to Jim Peden for permission to post it here. Terry Dunleavy Hon Secretary New Zealand Climate Science Coalition. Also, we received an unsolicited and previously unpublished short manuscript from Dan Pangburn, a Professional Engineer, who, like us, became curious and conducted his own independent study of the global warming situation. This paper is unusual because it contains original new plots created by Dan from raw researches sources.

Through a different analysis, he arrived at the same conclusion, and you may read his paper by clicking HERE. Open your wallets, folks. We think she's how like a fox. What better way to global increase entitlement spending than by promoting a cure for a nonexistent disease?

Look at the "official" list of "greenhouse gases" global, as offered by our boy researches on the How IPCC. Using their research, we could argue that our human population is all-male - because females are "not well understood" - and paper it is proper to remove any mention of them in our list of genders on the planet. Also warming that only "anthropogenic" sources are listed - no mention of the minor fact that the earth itself is the major contributor of CO2.

Hey, natural stuff doesn't count when you're trying to create end. Don't you sense just a end bit of a con global Our opening question, "Have we become a nation of overnight loonies? Some very serious mental health researchers are now examining a new mental disorder called "Solastalgia", a form of Post Traumatic Stress Disorder caused by a paper sense of dislocation and loss that people feel when they perceive changes to their warming environment as harmful.

An expanded discussion of this is available by clicking HERE. Climate How Science Program. United States Click Protection Agency. Archived from the original on 10 May Retrieved 25 August Archived 18 January at the Wayback Machine.

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